Is the Trinity Rational?

by Taylor Moffitt of Halydean

This brief paper introduces a theorem which purports that the Trinity is a logically unavoidable conclusion about the God of the Bible

  1. God created space time. God is not subject to space-time. Like a computer programmer who exists outside of a video game that he made, all of space-time and our universe is before God, in the palm of his hand. Because space-time is one phenomenon, we see that the concept of omnipresence is only grasping one part of God’s greatness within the confines of space-time.
  2. Jesus claimed to be God. He said, “Before Abraham was, I am,” and they were so offended at his use of the holy and unspeakable name of God that they picked up rocks to stone him to death right on the spot.
  3. The writers of the New Testament claimed Jesus was God. John starts his famous letter off thusly, “Ἐν ἀρχῇ ἦν ὁ λόγος, καὶ ὁ λόγος ἦν πρὸς τὸν θεόν, καὶ θεὸς ἦν ὁ λόγος.” He explains by saying that ὁ λόγος is Jesus, so we can translate it as follows, substituting “Jesus” for “ὁ λόγος”: “In the beginning was Jesus, and Jesus was with God, and God was Jesus.” That is God the Son.
  4. If God exists outside of time-space, and enters into time-space as a finite man, he does not simply cease to exist outside of time-space. He is still there. That is God the Father. Therein is the first duality of God.
  5. If Jesus ascended into heaven in his physical body, there still exists a duality aspect to God: Infinite God turned himself into a finite man. So when he prayed, it wasn’t that he was just mumbling to himself as you or I would, but as a human who is the incarnation of God talking to the infinite God the Father. He is both infinite and finite at the same.
  6. If I die, my spirit will leave my body and that’s the end of my lifespan. My spirit is the real me that lives inside my body. Jesus, being God, is not limited by such things. His own Spirit, being the real Jesus living inside his body, can leave while he is still alive and indwell multitudes of his followers at once (called the Spirit of God and also the Spirit of Jesus in the Bible).
  7. This aspect of God indwelling us does not mean that God ceases to exist outside of infinity, or that he ceases to exist as God the Son, and now our count of God’s manifestations is up to three with God the Holy Spirit.
  8. Therefore the tri-unity commonly referred to as the Trinity is a logically necessary conclusion of the teachings of the Bible.

He is still one individual, its just that the infinity is a little tough to comprehend. Its like trying to envision a four-dimensional shape in our three-dimensional world.


Figure 1. A four-dimensional Clifford-Torus shape

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